[Film Review] Are Millennials Killing Freddy? (2022)

At the heart of the Nightmare On Elm Street films is a question - how can you defeat a foe as uniquely dangerous as Freddy Krueger? Freddy won't just stab, slash or chainsaw a victim - he can get inside your very subconscious, probing your deepest fears and bringing them to hideous life. And while you might be able to outrun or evade a Leatherface or a Shape, there's no escaping the need to sleep.

The beleaguered teens of Elm St films have tried a wide variety of methods to battle Krueger whilst staying conscious: survival guides, gallons of coffee, group therapy, facing their fears, and confronting the disturbing legacy and lasting ramifications of past child murders in their hometown.


Whilst these techniques had their merits, Andrew Jara's Are Millennials Killing Freddy? proposes that the greatest weapon against this particular menace could be internet-age entertainment and streaming services. The debate about the damage VOD may be doing to cinema box office may rage on, but there's no denying that the lure of a bingeable series can do more to stave off drowsiness than a 6-pack of Red Bull. 

In the film a potential victim (Pricilla Rios), wiles away the early hours watching TV, texting and playing video games, blissfully unaware that Freddy's waiting to pounce as soon as she falls asleep - and unknowingly exposes Kruger’s major weakness - he’s basically useless when you’re awake.

Are Millenials KIlling Freddy? is a funny and charming send-up of the Nightmare franchise. Excellent costume and lighting give the short a real Elm St feel, and Dion Lewis is an entertainingly quiptastic Krueger. It's a well-executed comedy short that I'd recommend to any fans of the franchise. Welcome to full-time prime time, Freddy!

You can watch Are Millennials Killing Freddy? now on YouTube!





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